

Alrighty faithful readers – I’m outta here! My brain has officially left the building! Big Grin Tomorrow around this time I will be on the island to your left with a beer in one hand and a book in the other. 

So…as I leave y’all for the week, I’m going to leave with

My TOP TEN suggestions for the week!


If you find yourself complaining about something (your husband, your step kids, the ex-wfe, the crazy cat lady next door) STOP. And just ask yourself…”am I complaining to garner sympathy and perpetuate my inner victim?” Or are you stating a complaint and then actively seeking ways to resolve the complaint (I am She-RA…hear me ROAR)?


If you find yourself in the middle of a sticky ball of goo, are you looking for more goo or are you trying to figure the opportunity the goo represents? 


Have you told a stupid knock-knock joke lately? Or something corny yet so funny you make someone laugh til their sides hurt?


When’s the last time you hugged your step kid? If you can’t remember, you might be long over due…



Schedule a DATE night with your husband this week. And no…staying in doesn’t count. I challenge you to find something you can do for 1-2 hours for $20 or less. Reconnect, Recharge and the KIDS are a forbidden topic (so is the ex-wife)


Read two books this week – Either Stepmonster by Wednesday Martin or No One’s the Bitch by Jennifer Newcomb Marine and Carol Marine – and then pick something juicy and fun!


Looking for an new blog to add to your list? Read DOOCE – the most read blog in the known Universe!


Star Trek fan? DH a Star Trek fan? Take yourself and your man to see this movie…IT ROCKS! (And Captain Kirk is so sexy!)


Hug your dog…or cat…or pet snake if you got one!


Make out with your man to Max Sledgley’s song “Slowly” (and you never know what might happen after that!)

Have a fabulous week!